Know Your Options.

Adoption is one of the three options when in a pregnancy decision. Like the other two, adoption can seem like an intimidating choice to make. It would require carrying the pregnancy to term, which maybe feels like an impossible option. Or maybe you want to carry the pregnancy to term but you feel as though you can not provide what the child will need. This is where adoption can be a good option! If you are looking to take the adoption route, there are several organizations that are there to come alongside you and aid you in every way as you move forward in the adoption process.

What is adoption?

Adoption is when a person legally gives up the parental rights of an adoptee, usually a child, to another. However, there are a few different types of adoptions that allow different levels of contact with the adoptive family before and after birth.

What are the types of adoptions?

There are three types of adoptions that you can participate in: open adoption, semi-open adoptions, and closed adoptions.

An open adoption is when the adoptive family and birth family share personal contact information and continue to stay in contact during and after the pregnancy.

A semi-open adoption allows the adoptive family and birth family to know first names, but any other communication is typically done through an agency.

adoption minded woman

Lastly, there are closed adoptions. This is when the adoptive family and birth family have absolutely no contact during or after the pregnancy.

What’s next?

Deciding to take the adoption route for your pregnancy can be a difficult decision for many reasons. Whatever those reasons are for you, know that they are legitimate and it is okay to be asking the hard questions.

However, adoption doesn’t have to be an intimidating choice. In fact, it can be a healthy path for both you and your baby. You have control over the process and which type of adoption you want to pursue. The choice is yours and you are able to change your mind at any time.

We are here for you!

Here at Zoe, A Women’s Center we do not arrange adoptions. However, we can point you in the direction of several local organizations that will be able to assist you! If you would like more information, or would like to schedule an appointment with an advocate, call or email our Center today!